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Hi to you,

The kernel of the idea of Rally 7 game board product came about several years ago. I saw another way to have fun with six dice. Also an interesting card trick I learned that places 16 cards in lines of 4, face up,.. the row of the chose card is pointed to, then that row starts the cards to be placed across ways in lines of 4 face up, the person again points out the row card..is how to discover the person's card. You must pick up the chose card row first before placing down the cards again! The cards then are placed down in our sets of 4 in box shapes. A process of elimination of choice of a stack narrow down to the person card. If the person was to choose the stack with the person chose card...then you take away the opposite stack or half stack until 1 card is left. Believe it or not, that was part of the thought for the game. The board itself is in the style of a playing card. If you look under any die the top and the bottom add up to seven (7). Also three sets of (two dices) could add up to seven (7) x 3. Spread out 1 to 6 vs 1-6 in the opposite direction is each individually 7's too, lane by lane. Over time with trials and errors, the idea matured into what it is today. There are a lot of reasons why it took so long to get to this point, but a lot has to do with vision development, what works and what doesn't. My wife tested an almost completed ruff version that developed and wanted to play it over and over again. Even then more improvements were needed. Points were added and soon I got a lot of positive feedback from her, friends, gamer's and business owners. Finally I realized I had a real chance to to sell the game to the public. The game name Trademark-Instruction and the box design were challenging and interesting how they developed. All done with the consumer in mind. Now that the game has mature enough, especially the instructions writing. Then box has been added and is called the second edition Rally 7.

To have fun playing is the aim of any game and that is the wish for us to you for Rally 7.


Thank you,

Tom and Lolita Mayes

Note: Name That Game", Again, believe it or not Rally 7 was not the original name for the game. Names like, Final Roll, or The dice game. Too generic. Diversion 7. When that could not be Trademarked, it was with a name That Game Contest called, Dice Rally Ally. Then shorted to Rally 7. The first pictures have the exact game with the earliest with Diversion 7 on them until Rally 7 came along. The first games did not have boxes, just a carton strip card shrink wrapped. You can understand when I say interesting how the game developed. Some people even have test copies of the game with all white dice and no points before that was changed through some thought and trial and error. The process can be time consuming, also interesting and satisfying when it works well. Yes, the Art work done by Cody Walsh in the USA.

Other thanks to,

Marty B, Blaine S, Bruce D and John E, Debbie G, Jason G, Eric A Tom G, Rob B and Ta, BJG support and my folks and all the play testers along the way before and after the tournament at Mission Fun and Games. Bojeux Inc too.



Volume machined all done including the box at Cowan Graphics in Edmonton